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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sisterhood is hell: Boomer women widely disliked as employers

"By all logic, women should jump at the chance to have a female boss. For generations of aspiring professional women, the theory has remained the same: When trailblazing women get to high levels in the work force, they help pull young women into positions of power.

But perhaps older women are less than kind to young women with ambition, a backbone and (heaven forbid) good looks. Maybe they resent young whippersnappers who don't want to pay their dues in the same way that older women had to."

"Most Women Say They'd Rather Work for a Man"
Chicago Sun-Times

Comments on "Sisterhood is hell: Boomer women widely disliked as employers"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:51 AM) : 

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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