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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hope all that blow was worth it: boomer profligacy imperils future generations

"Out of self-indulgence, baby boomers have shamelessly taken from their parents.

Now they’re picking the pockets and threatening the future of their children. The greediest generation’s sense of entitlement paints the country and the planet red.

It’s measured in the federal deficit run up by the boomer in chief, President Bush.

The red ink ocean is expected to rise in 2007 as the long-term outlook gets bleaker. China, Japan and other nations hold the notes that our credit-card president has amassed. The people whom the financial burden will hit will be the offspring of baby boomers and their children.

It will limit opportunities for them because their resources will go to pay off the champagne tastes of those who came before them."

"Selfish Boomers are Cheating Next Generation"
Kansas City Star

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