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Monday, November 20, 2006

Advice to boomer Congress: "do no harm"

Reclaim those principles of justice, fundamental to this nation, that have been compromised. Revisit the Military Commissions Act to restore the writ of habeas corpus and defendants' rights to examine evidence against them and challenge the use of coerced testimony. Restrict the use of military courts as an end run around the judicial branch and the protections built into it. Establish oversight over the detention of "enemy combatants" to end torture, abuse and the systematic flouting of due process, honor the Geneva Conventions, and cease the use of secret and offshore prisons to escape scrutiny. Put in place the safeguards that are essential to protect citizens whenever they are under surveillance by their government.

"The Message?"
Virginia Daily News

Great job guys! Maybe the next boomer Congress can finish the job of gutting the Bill of Rights.

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