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Monday, November 06, 2006

Did boomer "vanity" drive Iraq invasion?

Yet, we can now understand that the war is kind of a vanity war; the president wanted to prove he was a good wartime president. He isn't. The vice president wanted to prove that he was the toughest man in the Beltway. He isn't, save possibly when he has a shotgun in this hands. The neo-cons wanted to reshape the Middle East and take pressure off Israel. They didn't. The national security adviser (and now secretary of state) wanted to prove she was an astute diplomat. She isn't.

"U.S. is Casualty in Bush's Vanity War"
Chicago Sun Times

Note to boomers: Tom Brokaw won't be calling anytime soon.

Comments on "Did boomer "vanity" drive Iraq invasion?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:31 PM) : 

Hey, nice to see you back with all your boomer loathing!


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