Graduates burdened by exorbitant student loans
Many in the next generation of workers will be so debt-burdened they will have to delay home purchases, limit vacations, even eat out less to pay loans off on time. Kristin Cole, 30, who graduated from Michigan State University's law school and lives in Grand Rapids, Mich., owes $150,000 in private and government-backed student loans. Her monthly payment of $660, which consumes a quarter of her take-home pay, is scheduled to jump to $800 in a year or so, confronting her with stark financial choices. "I could never buy a house. I can't travel; I can't do anything," she said. "I feel like a prisoner." "High-Priced Student Loans Spell Trouble"Associated Press |
Comments on "Graduates burdened by exorbitant student loans"
Whah!!! I can't eat out at expesive eateries like I want to whah!!! I can't drink starbuck coffee and travel to europe while I'm paying to go to college.. whah whah whah !!!
wtf do you think most people had to do?
Kind of like the Fram oil filter me now, or pay me later.
You got that education you always wanted and delayed the payments, now the rest of your life is ruined! Welcome to the real world.
wtf do you think most people had to do?
Huh--got a sense of proportion?
Since this blog discusses Boomer entitlement, funny how people forget their college costs in the 50s-70s. Before you get all uppity about it--try a little math of current costs on everything from tuition, housing, food, and don't forget textbooks. Students feel like they're getting reamed on one end--with dim employment prospects on the other.
I have nothing against boomers per se, but what irks me about some of them is their disconnect to current realities--and total lack of empathy towards the "have nots", whether that's a home, money, vacations, what-have-you. These selfish rants from the "me" generation are tiresome...I've heard this BS for decades.
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