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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dean snubs Gen-X

"This is not an individual effort: this is the handoff between the baby boomers and the millennial generation. This is a movement that is not so different from the movement in the 60’s. In the 60’s we fought for a bunch of things, but we lost our way in the 1980’s when the Me Party Took it Away from the We Party. They are the party of big government, of secrecy in government, and of the largest national debt in the history of the world."

"Liveblogging the Y2K Dean Speech---and Onward" (scroll down)
Daily Kos

Related: 13th Gen: the irrelevant generation?

"What about generation X, the core of the workforce? Don't we thirteeners get our chance at power? There are tens of millions of voters between the ages of 25 and 45, many of us parents, homeowners, and workers. Ignoring us is not a wise political strategy. Power cannot simply be handed off (like a baton in a relay) from the middle aged to the very young. This race cannot be won without us."

"Does Power Skip a Generation?"
Into Future

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