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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Boomer Drug Czar demands drug tests in US schools

Students take a lot of tests at school, and they could be taking one more -- a drug test.
On Friday, John Walters, the man who's known as President George W. Bush's drug czar, paid a visit to Jacksonville.

Walters works with the nation's top leaders to help keep the streets drug free. He recently announced new federal assistance to lock up suspected drug dealers.

He's also throwing his support behind some ideas for discouraging drug use among young people. The idea is controversial, but Walters said random drug testing at schools is where more attention should be focused.

"Drug Czar Proposes Random Drug Testing At Schools"

Boomer hypocrisy at its most flagrant. I think we know who has the real drug problem.

If we started packing them all off to drug boot camps, I wonder if boomers would be so quick to jump behind these constitutionally questionable measures.

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