Dead Hippie


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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Boo Hoo: hippie decries intolerance

For the second time in recent months, a person openly, and to my face, hatefully called me a "hippie," inferring that I was somehow lesser of a human being due to my long hair and beard. Most recently it happened at Snowmass ski area.

Let's be honest with ourselves. When spoken with hatred, this type of slur is bigotry, prejudice, equal to calling a person a Jew, nigger, spic, etc. And let us not delude ourselves about our advancement of social moral integrity, or rather a lack there of...

"'Hippie' Not a Slur To Be Taken Lightly"
Aspen Times

Leave it to a self-centered boomer to equate the "hippie slur" with 20th century totalitarian atrocities...

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