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Sunday, December 10, 2006

New study undermines boomer drug war myth

Marijuana is not a "gateway" drug that predicts or eventually leads to substance abuse, suggests a 12-year University of Pittsburgh study. Moreover, the study's findings call into question the long-held belief that has shaped prevention efforts and governmental policy for six decades and caused many a parent to panic upon discovering a bag of pot in their child's bedroom.

"No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse"
Science Daily

The groundless belief that casual pot use leads to "hard" drug addiction has been repeatedly debunked. Yet the "gateway" theory remains a staple of the prohibitionist gospel.


The attraction may have something to do with the fact that far too many boomers went from puffing pot to a decade-long coke binge...

You might call it projection as public policy.

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