The (Anti) Freedom Generation: an open letter to boomers
Your generation is owed even more thanks for its total failure to do away with the war on drugs over the past three decades. Your generation’s monstrous consumption of drugs in the 1960’s is simply too well known to need recounting, but you fortunately came to your senses in the 1980’s and did nothing to stop the government’s merciless persecution of younger generations of drug consumers. Few indeed have been the Boomers who have fought for drug legalization since the 60’s. While this may at first glance appear to be yet another instance of the most vile form of hypocrisy imaginable, we younger generations don’t view your silence and indifference in that way. On the contrary, we thank you for your silence while hundreds of thousands from our generations are carted away to prison for consuming the very same substances your generation grew famous for, because this has given us a giant and glorious police state that is required for these persecutions. If only you had managed to create even more police and prisons! Future generations will undoubtedly thank yours for standing idly by while the government of the United States violently persecuted your own children and your children’s children for doing the same things you did in the 60’s. Three more cheers for the indifferent silence of the reformed druggie Boomers! "Dear Baby Boomers of America" LRC |